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Equality is a struggle to be seen, heard, and understood. Society is built on needs and those with the most say determine whose needs are met when, if at all. The time it takes for societies to see what is needed is not set in stone. Understandings and proximity to new standards of life give rise to the ability for people to be more vocal in demanding progress.

Culture sets how we approach difference. For instance, the presence of LGBTQ members of society has been implicit in expanded communal and spiritual roles for generations. The terms being used for specificity are a product of the times. In cultures past focus was placed on the acceptance, natural occurrence, and deeper meaning around how these identities found individuals. In the early Americas as well as ancient China, Japan, and India there was cultural soil and spiritual beliefs held that expanded what the purpose of the difference would be rather than only constricting behavior. A term used as recently as the 1990s in the Native American community is that of LGBTQ persons being Two spirit. This idea is reflected in stories in India as well with sacred texts detailing stories of revered transcending or extending traditional roles around gender.

Language plays an influential and guiding role in culture. The gendering of concepts is present in many languages but not seen in English. It is worth exploring how voice found around language form influences acceptance. In the case of the mentioned cultures and peoples, those being Chinese, Hindi, and Japanese, all have either noun classifiers or masculine and feminine words as part of the language. This precision in speech as well as the spiritual aspect of understanding around the difference reduces the distance to be crossed in finding acceptance and roles in the society. However, ancient Israel is a culture with an opposing view on the topic that also has a language with masculine and feminine constructs. The difference is the religious and spiritual foundations in which the questions were addressed.

Words can highlight the cognitive dissonance at work in societies. People can be blind to things that have been and gone on unquestioned before them their whole lives. The pace with which society is changing and the gaps between languages has allowed culture to question what has been assumed for generations prior. The fights for civil rights, suffrage, representation, and positive rights mark the questions that will continue to barrage and fertilize society. The need to be specific with terms has been grounded in different ways for peers within societies past. As more members of society are brought into being we will see minute and complex differences in the approaches possible for dealing with these questions. The fight for equity has a much different tone when those fighting are borne by hands rather than by bellies. The necessary moral compulsion to provide built forms choice to express is a topic we are not seeing in the modern judicial spotlight, but the preface of technological equity, removal of bias from AI systems, and stories of the futures possible to be seen broach the moral struggle today. Many of these systems will take native members seeking deeper expression to explore, such as intelligence systems or foreign intelligences seeking deeper expression in a distant society. Laying the foundations today for the footing of those discussions is happening daily around us with approaches to conversations with friends, economic sustainability standards, handling of devices, and the love we show those distant to our culture and understandings.

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