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Social Work

Value drives reason. Much of the world today rises to chase the dollar. Our ability to earn dictates our abilities to survive and connect. We rise with the sun and work increasing numbers of hours daily largely to found our participation in society. The nature of work along with the ways in which people connect in the world today have been changing rapidly. No longer are we bond to the same work culture or social connection constraints across the board as we were even a few decades ago. The kinds of value created through connection are changing as well with the reasons and ways we connect shifting. An economy of social work is already brewing. The kind of social work people go to school for is centered around service of others, the public. The type that we are seeing expanded and focused on across services arising today are on connecting with peers. As it stands, however, the value is often only captured or counted when it is the advertisement dollars that do the math. The social values of tomorrow are increasingly and will continue to skew towards being centered around the creation of joy for those we meet directly. How we connect shapes who we become and the people that affect us most are often the ones we are around the most yet what is possible across a dispersed multitude of connections is something to be seen. The groups we flow and move through by choice and chance will change the ways we shape ourselves in generations to come.

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